5 Ways How to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile And Presence

How to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile And Presence

One of the best platforms to promote your business or get connected to professionals all over the world or search for jobs is LinkedIn. This is a platform where you can build a network of connections who can help you grow professionally. If you are looking how to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile we suggest you try these tips. These can help you gain engagement on LinkedIn rather than just buying stats directly. 

How to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

  • Have A Plan

This is one point that you will find common in most of the similar listicles on various websites. This is because effective growth on social media platforms comes from good planning. If you do not start with a plan and have set goals and objectives then after using the platform you will not get much engagement and you will feel that the platform doesn’t work and abandon it.

Having a set goal and a plan to achieve them can drastically improve your chances of growing on LinkedIn. If you want to gain engagement on LinkedIn you should set your goals for the platform. What are you looking to achieve from this platform? If you know this, you will be able to better customize your plan to suit your goals.

Remember, the plan does not need to be perfect or super-efficient. You just need to have an initial structure to work with. As you start using the platform and analyze your growth you will understand what you need to change and your strategy will become more optimized. Generally, people use LinkedIn for job search but there are other uses as well like creating brand awareness, finding new opportunities for business, promotion of products or services, conducting market research etc. 

  • Your Profile Needs to Look Professional

A shabbily created and shabbily managed LinkedIn profile can do you more harm than good on the platform. People will not be much interested in giving attention to what you are promoting if your profile does not look business-ready. On social media platforms, visual appeal is quite important. Your profile needs to have a nice profile pic.

If you are promoting yourself as a candidate for jobs then you need to have a good profile picture. It shouldn’t be some random click like a selfie or a random picture of some cute animal. Those things look good on Facebook and Instagram and do not bode well on LinkedIn. Business profiles are different. You can put your picture if you feel that you should be the face of the brand but generally, the brand logo is present. Complete your LinkedIn profile.

Add all the skills you have and if possible get endorsement for those skills from people that you know or have worked with, in the past. You need to have a headline and a nice description in the about section. People will learn about you from that section. Fill the experience section with details. This helps people understand where you have worked in the past or how your business has been doing. It gives them a good idea about your experience. So, always fill it up. Educational detail is another important bit of info that you need to put in your bio. Along with your certifications.

  • Be Active

If you want to have a better presence on any social media platform you need to be active on it. You cannot expect to grow your presence if you are only active a couple of times a week or less. You have to be very active and consistent.

LinkedIn, like other social media platforms, has a feed. On this feed, you will see content uploaded by the connections in your network or the content that your connections engaged with. Occasionally, there will be sponsored and promoted content as well. If you want to have more followers and connections and gain engagement on LinkedIn, you have to share or upload good quality content. If people enjoy your content they will engage with it.

It will give your post more exposure and you may get more followers or connections. Obviously, try to keep the content relevant to your brand. If you are on LinkedIn looking for jobs then try uploading informational posts like interview questions, or tips and tricks etc. Besides this try engaging with other posts. By liking and commenting. Try taking part in important discussions that you can give a good opinion on. Do not argue or debate on controversial topics. 

  • Custom URL

In general, if you want to share your profile link and copy-paste it from the browser then it is just a random conglomeration of characters. You can customize this URL i.e. your profile link and make it much more readable and presentable.

You may think that who cares about a link but there’s a good chance if someone is looking at your link they will see the custom link that may have your brand name or your name on it and it might get etched in their memory. Although you may not think that it’s a big deal why not make your link more presentable when you have the option to. First, you need to click on Me. Then go to view profile. There you will find the edit option for public profile and URL. Click on it. You will find the option to edit your URL. 

  • Analytics are Important

Analytics are important for all social media platforms. It gives you feedback on how well your social media promotion is working and how people are responding to your posts. It also provides you with various metrics that can help you measure how successful you have been in achieving your goals and objectives. Remember that we asked you to set goals and objectives in the beginning? Well, it is time to match these metrics with your objectives. Did you meet them? Did you talk short? It will help you analyze your performance and help you figure out what to do to make it better. 

So, that was our list of tips that can help improve your LinkedIn profile and improve your presence on the platform. Using a combination of the above tips will generally be more effective. Be patient and do smart work and you will surely grow. All the best.

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